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is it playable with controllers ?

Make a android port I have the original demore but it's boring once you beat it

discord invite expired. can i have a new one pls?

Will there be a newer version where all the patreon features will be added?

How to press debug


How do get co-op?

Could you change the invite and put it on infinite time?

well the motherfucker of discord made the infinite invite time only exclusive to communities so no

i am broke so i am playing this



xFsdmfijosdp,fk isjkoldp;'sZ

why are the tiles gone

debug build, toggles on the solids and slopes. the tiles are still there. just the solid and slope sprites overlap them.

do the discord link infinite


How do i turn on co-op?

I found it but WOW that is buggy.

The Player 1 window is too small.

how do i turn co op i wana play co op


Invite expired

i like it


Your mod is the best